Who is this Jesus?

Apr 10, 2022 – Palm Sunday
Intro: Who is this Jesus? Mark 8:27-35
Jesus’ Triumphal Entry (Mark 11)
  1. Surpassing Worth of Knowing Jesus Christ — Mark 8:34
    1. Reconciled to Father in Relationship
    2. He is our Source and Sustainer, the Author and Finisher of our Story
      1. Need for . (Worth/Value/Meaning)
      2. Need for  
  2. What comes against our Experience of Knowing Christ
    1. Sin– We try to meet our Legitimate Needs in illegitimate ways. Instead of allowing God to meet them according to His design for us.
      1. Back to the Garden – Our Creator God made us for a relationship with Him and each other, and for a purpose, whole life, and destiny. 
      2. But Sin twists our need for Attribution in to an for Relevance 
      3. But Sin twists our need for Abundance into we try to Control 
      4. But Sin twists our need for Acceptance into  we accommodate by People-pleasing 
      5. But Sin twists our need for Authority & Anointing into  we live in a state of constant Performance 
    2. Satan (1:12-13) Temptations of Jesus — Attribution, 1 John 2:8 Appetite (Lust of Flesh), Ambition (Lust of the Eyes / Power), Approval (Pride of Life) 
      1. God settled all these at His Baptism.
        1. The Voice from Heaven — Attribution
        2. You are My Son — Abundance
        3. Beloved (Whom I Deeply Love) — Acceptance
        4. With Whom I am well pleased — Authority
        5. The Holy Spirit is Given  — Anointing
    3. Rejection, Opposition, Fear, Apathy, Disappointment, Doubt, Unforgiveness (2:18-28, 3:22-31)
      1. What matters most… The Crowds – Let the Children come to me 10:13-16
        1. Rich young man 10:17-31
      2. Others
        1. Pagans (The Ultimate Price & Herod – 6:14-29)
        2. Pharisees – Tradition, Commandments and what defiles a person. (7:1-23) (Leaven of Pharisees and Herod 8:11-21)
        3. Family (3:31-35)
      3. Broken Creation—Storms (Calming Storms – 4:35-41)
  3. Confession
    1. Confessing Jesus
      1. Confession of Peter (8:27-30) Jesus foretells his death and resurrection (8:31-38, 9:1; 9:30-32; 10:32-34)
      2. The grace of Confessing Light, Life, and Love.
      3. A properly functioning Conscience – Knowing what life and God’s goodness are vs death and sin.
    2.  Confessing Sin
      1. The grace of Confessing Sin
    3. Confessional Community
      1. The Grace and Truth in a Confessional Community
      2. “Life change occurs in an environment of true community. In true community, people live open, honest, and confessional lives in a culture of grace. There is no hiding or pretending. Secrets are toxic to the well-being of the soul.
        If you are going to experience breakthroughs, then you must resolve to live confessional lives with no secrets.”
        – Rob Reimer, Soul Care
  4.  Transformation
    1. Transfiguration – Transformation 9:2-13
      1. Jesus Glorified 
      2. Perfection vs Process
        1. Trying to fix perfection OR
        2. Giving ourselves to the process of becoming Holy, Upright, and Redemptive Love that is meant to be at work in our lives
      3. Not “Understanding the Assignment”
        1. Faithless Generation — Boy with an unclean spirit (9:14-29)
        2. Who is the greatest? 9:33-41
        3. The request of James & John 10:35-45
    2. Hope is His Triumphal Return
      1. Becoming Resilient
So What?
Who is this Jesus to you? 
  • Is He your King? Your Savior, Your Healer? Your Sanctifier?
  • He is our Source and Sustainer and the Author and Finisher of our Stories
  • He will meet you where you’re at.

Now What? 

  • Will we Confess Jesus? Confess our Sin and Live in a Confessional Community? 
  • How is the Spirit personally prompting you to respond? What Is God inviting you into? 
  • If this talk connected with you, then let’s Journey Farther this week. Make time to meet with a pastor or your Fellowship Leader.
Confessing Jesus opens us
to the Fullness of His Triumphant Entry
into our Lives
The Blessing* (Numbers 6:22-27)
The Lord Bless you and Keep you.
The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you.
The Lord turn His face towards you and give you peace.
  1. * 3 parts of the Blessing+ —

    Attribution – “So you will put my name on the Israelites and bless them”

    1. Abundance — Purpose, Provision & Protection
    2. Acceptance — Delight, Joy & Hope, Gracious Favor
    3. Anointing — Loving Presence, Health & Peace
+Authority — Priesthood of All Believers (1 Peter 2:1-5,9-10; 3:8-12)

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