The Gospel for Real Life

Disciple Talk # 3: The Gospel for Real Life

Mark 1:21-39; Mark 2:1-12; Mark 3:7-15; Mark 4:10-20

Intro: Sharing Jesus

•Sharing the Good News About Jesus
•Sharing our Relationship With Jesus
•Living Courageously a Kingdom Missional Lifestyle in front of the World, Our Family & Friends


I. The Gospel Work of Jesus (Mark 1:21-39; 2:1-12)

  1. Authority:  
  2. Fellowship:  
  3. He met real needs:  



II. Appointed and Consecrated (Mark 3:7-15)

Called those He wanted to be His close companions; Commissioned the Twelve (whom He also called Apostles)

  1.  With Jesus:  
  2. Sent Out:  
  3. Authorized:  


III. Proclaiming, Embodying, and Demonstrating the Gospel (Mark 4:10-20)

(4 Soils – Four kinds of people Jesus wanted to give the Good News to. And what is keeping them from receiving it.)

  1. The Seed | The Poor ­­– Preaching Good News to the Poor
    1. In parables (Mark 4:26-29)  
    2. In provision (Mark 6:30-44) 
  2. Soil 1 | Those imprisoned by Sin & Satan Freeing Prisoners (Mark 5:1-20) 
  3. Soil 2 | Captive to Lies, Fears, Dysfunctional Limiting Beliefs – Releasing Captives (Mark 7:1-23) 
  4. Soil 3 | Those consumed by cares of this World – Bringing Healing to The Broken Hearted, Chronic Illness & Persecuted (Mark 5:21-43) 
  5. Soil 4 | The Good Soil, because the Kingdom is Received in Faith – Opening the eyes of the Blind (8:22-26)/Jubilee (Mark 2:23-3:12) 

(We encourage you to read and meditate on these passages of Mark this week.)


Is the Gospel Touching Your Real Life?

  • Have you encountered Jesus in Real Life? He is ready!
  • Do you trust Him to walk with you? He Will!
  • Do you trust Him to meet your real needs? He is able and willing!


Sharing Jesus… He is worth sharing with others!

Contact us and ask to receive the slide deck for the training on Starting Gospel Conversations

  • 3D – Developing Relationships, Discovering Origin Stories, Discerning Next Steps
  • BLESS – Boldly begin making relationships, Listen Well, Eat together, Sacrificially Serve and Support Them (Seek out Persons of Peace); Share Stories.
  • Pray for your “One”.

Discipling Conversations Opportunity

If this connected with you then let’s Journey Farther this week. Make time with Drew and/or LeeAnn.

3 Topics to Journey Farther this week. Make time with Drew and/or LeeAnn.

  1. How do I tell my Gospel Story?
  2. How do I find Persons of Peace?
  3. “I need to confess something I am struggling with and ask for someone to walk with me in it.”

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you today? 


Jesus gives us His Authority and Anointing Power 

to Do Gospel Work with Him


Email my notes