Be Released
For the last many years many churches have been stuck in the the deadly cycle of self concern. We believe the Bible teaches that we gather for the purpose of being sent out or released back into our neighborhoods, our friend circles, our workplaces, and other spheres of influence to bring hope, healing and freedom to those who need it. Sometimes this means we have to advocate for others and stand for change in broken systems, not as something political, but because Jesus intends to redeem all of creation. Even humanity’s broken structures and systems need to be confronted at times to remove the obstacles that keep people from truly being free. This is often starts from the margins, and not through gaining power over people, but coming alongside the oppressed and oppressor alike willing to lose our freedoms for the freedom of others. This can only happen through relationship and influence for change to truly happen, and only through the power of Christ. People cannot bring about justice in our own strength, it’s ultimately about relationship and responsibility not a fight for our self-centered comfort. There is still much work to do to restore hope, and reclaim lives tomorrow, and it always starts with Revealing Christ Jesus today.
We are released to serve others. When we all serve out of the resources of time, energy, finances, skills, talents, and graces we have been give we see it truly is better to give than to receive. Find a way to give back, you’ll see when you are selfless the exchange may not come in repayment of what you gave, but what you receive in return is always better in the end than what you gave up. To start getting involved in service, se all our current opportunities to Serve HERE.
1 Corinthians 12:12-27
One Body with Many Members
How do individuals work together to serve as One Body? The goal of the Serve Team at Crosspointe is to promote all parts (people) of the body to effectively work together in glorifying the Lord.
The Serve Team’s primary responsibility is welcoming and supporting guests during weekly Worship & Service gatherings. It’s secondary responsibility is in facilitating the church’s engagement in the grace each person is given to be a part of the larger community. Won’t you get involved with us?
To see all service opportunities and sign up, CLICK HERE
We are released to offer reconciliation. This one is tough! The Church has been a lot of talk, but low on action. Through Jesus reconciliation with God was made possible, but He also provided for reconciliation with other human beings, not just the people we love, but the people we have hated. Will we accept the invitation? Reconciliation can only happen if we both repent, and forgive ourselves and each other. Forgiveness is available, we have to live it out. One step, one day at a time. This is at the heart of the Gospel, I forgive others because I have been forgiven of my great wrongdoing against God and others. When I offer forgiveness to others and it is received, or I repent by changing my heart and ways when it comes to the wrong I’ve done, and it in turn is forgiven, reconciliation happens. If we as disciples of Jesus will live in this kind of love, the relationships around us will change for the better, and it WILL change our world. Only Jesus in us can make this a reality. Don’t just talk about it, release it!
Open Hands. This is the picture of generosity. I have nothing, and all I have been given belongs to God, as He is the giver all good things. With this perspective we can be intentional about looking out for those who need a little push towards experiencing that goodness–the poor, the sick, the needy, the orphan, the widow. I can manage well the resources I have and still be responsible to my fellow man… woman and child! Anytime I see a need, I have to ask God, are you asking me to meet that need with the blessings I’ve received? And I had better expect that the God of all mercy intends to give me answer with only the best in mind for that person.
Don’t confuse this with trying to make converts. Believing in Christ at it’s heart is not a philosophy that I need to espouse to, but a person I put my trust in to be the source of my life, from beginning to end. The Gospel is the good news that Jesus came to take my place for all the brokenness I… and you, have caused in this world. He came to redeem it all, to bring true justice by changing me first, then you if you’ll let Him. This telling or proclaiming of the Good News is only natural. We all tell others when something life changing happens, or we get excited about a new friend or relationship. The thing about Jesus is, he’s always giving us reason to tell others why He continues to be the best news today, and tomorrow, and forever.
We love Charlotte! Who wouldn’t? Good weather, good sports, and NASCAR if that’s your thing… not to mention the BBQ and other divine cuisine, and the beach & mountains are only a few miles away. But our city, like every other city needs people to help keep it the great place it is to live. We take responsibility for our stuff and to our fellow city dwellers (that goes for you too, suburbanites). It only takes a few minutes everyday or a few hours a week to care for the people and places in Charlotte so we continue to be a place worth living in. We partner with others who have this same mindset. One of our partners is Cub & Boy Scouts of America who meet weekly in our building. Cubs on Mondays, Scouts on Tuesdays. Likewise we want to impact those who live and work in the UCity Family Zone. We are a proud part of the University City Partners to serve with other churches and organizations in Charlotte where we work and play for the sake of Shalom in the City.
We are part of a great movement, The Christian and Missionary Alliance. For more than 135 years, THE ALLIANCE has stood at where the roads of Christianity meet, and have taken the challenge to Extend the Whole Gospel for the whole person, to the whole world. Through workers around the globe, THE ALLIANCE has been reaching out to most of the countries on earth with a message full of love, forgiveness, and grace that offers reconciliation to God through our Lord Jesus Christ! In addition to this we have a relief and development (CAMA Services) that helps meet the needs of people in distress after natural disasters, and helps train people up in majority world countries to face the challenges of poverty–homelessness, good medical care, clean water, hunger, and job training to name a few. (for more info, click here).

Why do we serve?
Serving others is a way for your life to be formed along the way, following Jesus by living as He lived on this earth. We see this in many passages in the Bible, given as principles to live by, such as: "consider others better than yourselves. Each of you must look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others"; "it is better to give than to receive"; "in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you"; and "bear one another's burdens". Service is the fruit of gratitude from our life in Jesus Christ. We don't serve to earn something from God, we serve from the heart. It is evidence that we love God and have given Him our whole lives.
Service Opportunities
In addition to organically serving in our HOPE Communities or just as a part of daily life with Jesus. We have a wide variety of ways that you can get involved with Crosspointe and access your passion-point. Current Opportunities, enabling you to serve once a month per area, are listed below. When you are ready to take next steps fill out the form so that we can begin to serve with you.

Hospitality Team

Set-up Crew

Building & Grounds Care

Prepare the Lord's Table

"Deep Clean" Team

Action Team Coordinator

Worship Team

Creative Worship Director

Audio & Video Team

Alliance Youth Sponsor

Crosspointe Kids - Teacher

Crosspointe Kids - Assistant

College & Career

Fellowship Leaders

Crosspointe Kids - Baby/Toddler Nursery