Prayers of Jesus | Forgiveness (June 23, 2024)

Intro The Prayers of Jesus
If Jesus prayed, then we must pray too.
The Disciple’s asked Him to teach them to pray.
We will continue to look at the transcribed prayers of Jesus in the Gospels for the next few weeks. Particularly as they relate to the reality of “The Trials” as we continue the convo about “The Trials” this week and next.
Whatever your Questions…Seek Him
  • Why do we pray?
  • Do I have to forgive?
  • What does forgiveness have to do with prayer?
  • What questions do you have?  
A. Jesus & “THE TRIALS”
  • Why do we Face these TRIALS?
    1. Historical & Cultural concept of “The Trials” (Hero’s Journey)
    2. Everyone has their own Trials (Various – Core Needs +Experiences)
    3. Everyone faces the same Trials (Trial/Test – PEPSI)
    4. Distinction in Biblical Teaching
  • What are THE TRIALS?
    1. Preparation for The Trials
    2. The Trials
      1. Round 1 –  (Deeper Death to Self – “Your Will, Not My Will” Initial sense of Silence from God)
      2. Round 2 – – (Due to a sense of Rejection, Abandonment, and Persecution from people – Forgiveness Becomes Essential)
C. Jesus & Forgiveness
  1. Why Jesus Had to Forgive on the Cross:
  2. Jesus Bought Forgiveness for All:
  3. (1 John 1:5-10)
  4. What Forgiveness Isn’t: (Mark 11:25)
  5. What Forgiveness Is:
  6. Five Parts to Forgiveness: (Mt 18:21-19:2 | Parable of Unforgiving Servant)
    1. (Js. 5:14-16; 1 Pt. 2:24-25)
    2. (Col. 3:12-14)
  7. Why Forgive:
    1.  (Psalms 103:3).
    2. (Matthew 6:12).
    3.  (Who’s in your Pit?) (Mk 11:24-25).
    4. (Philippians 3:10; Luke 23:34).
    5. (Mt 6:14-15).
    6.  (John 20:22-23)
The Power in Forgiveness Makes a Kingdom of Difference – Janet Holm McHenry
D. Skillset: Forging Forgiveness – How to Forgive
E. Skillset: Prayers of Forgiveness
  1. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring to the forefront of your thoughts…Who Am I holding offense against? (Known or Unknown)
    1. Spouse, Family, Friends 
    2. Neighbors, Coworkers, Random Person 
    3. Leaders I know 
    4. Leaders I don’t know 
    5. Groups of People (Enemies, Persecutors) 
    6. Unjust Systems 
  2. Decide today to forgive. What sins do I need to forgive?
  3. Pray & Put it Under the Blood (“Today I choose to forgive…for…”) 
  4. Forgive every time you remember the offense. (Ask Jesus to help you let go, and heal)
  5. If and when appropriate (Personal/Community) What sins do I need to confront? 
  6. & , , & Who will I pray for and bless? Waiting with Thanksgiving and Love 
  7. for those without Christ. Who is Jesus asking me to pray for? 
  8. Carry the Cross in the Face of Injustice & Evil. What injustices and evils will I face in sacrificial love, not condemnation? 

I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.’ – Acts 28:17a-18

  • Identifying what your TRIALS will be (are) 
  • How will you face “The Trials”?
  • Prepare for The Trials and time of Testing (Js. 1:12; Lk. 22:31)
  • Enlist Companions. Who will I enlist to Journey with? 
  • Learn to Forgive Quickly and Forge Lasting Forgiveness
Forgiveness Frees Us
Seek – Surrender – Sacrifice – Sustain

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